SBES second grader Alivia Brown flies through the air in the long jump competition on May 27 at the track in Haliburton. /ROBERT MACKENZIE Staff Thomas Nelson, Grade 4, runs the 100M sprint for the Wilberforce Wolves Patrick Nelson, Grade 2, runs the 100M for the Cardiff Cougars. JDHES Jaguar Campbell Smith, Grade 6, ran to the front of the pack and maintained her big lead in the 400M race. /ROBERT MACKENZIE Staff ASES first grader Brody Hartwig preparing his toss for the ball throw competition. /ROBERT MACKENZIE Staff
Elementary students from around the county competed in long jump triple jump and ball throw along with 100m 200m 400m and relay races at the Haliburton Legion Haliburton County track and field meet held at the Haliburton high school track Saturday May 27.