Veteran and Sgt. at Arms Tom Coghlan led the March on the Colours at the Wilberforce Remembrance Day ceremony on Nov. 11, held at the cenotaph. ANGELICA INGRAM Staff Ted Procher, right, saluts the cenotaph after laying a wreath for the WWI vets with veteran and Sgt. at Arms Tom Coghlan left, at the Wilberforce Remembrance Day ceremony on Nov. 11, held at the cenotaph. ANGELICA INGRAM Staff Mark Bramham performs O Canada on the bugel during the Wilberforce Remembrance Day ceremony on Nov. 11. Bramham also played The Last Post, Reveille, Abide with Me and the Royal Anthem. ANGELICA INGRAM Staff The Wilberforce cenotaph on Nov. 11, 2016. ANGELICA INGRAM Staff Retired RCMP Staff Sgt. REG# 37179 Al Collins, right, lays a wreath on behalf of the RCMP with Sgt. at Arms Tom Coghlan, left, at the Remembrance Day Ceremony in Wilberforce on Nov. 11. A large crowd came out to pay their respects to veterans and those who served, including students from Wilberforce Elementary School. ANGELICA INGRAM Staff The Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday, Nov. 11 in Haliburton drew hundreds to the event that honours the service men and women who have served and continue serving their country. It was organized by the Royal Canadian Legion of Haliburton and held at the town’s cenotaph on Highland Street./DARREN LUM Staff J. Douglas Hodgson Elementary School students stand with the public for the Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday, Nov. 11 in Haliburton. Hundreds attended the annual ceremony, which honours the service men and women who have served and continue serving their country. It was organized by the Royal Canadian Legion of Haliburton at the town’s cenotaph on Highland Street./DARREN LUM Staff The Royal Canadian Legion of Haliburton’s colour party is led by its sergeant-at-arms Callum Wood down Highland Street, as part of the Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday, Nov. 11 in Haliburton. Hundreds attended the annual ceremony, which honours the service men and women who have served and continue serving their country. It was organized by the Royal Canadian Legion of Haliburton and held at the town’s cenotaph on Highland Street./DARREN LUM Staff The Canadian flag was at half mast before the laying of wreaths. DARREN LUM Staff The Royal Canadian Legion of Haliburton sergeant-in-arms Callum Wood, walks with Second World War veteran Billy Pickard and her son John Pickard during the laying of wreaths for the Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday, Nov. 11 in Haliburton. Hundreds attended the annual ceremony at the town’s cenotaph on Highland Street./DARREN LUM Staff Korean War veteran Bill Timms, left, salutes, with MP Jamie Schmale and Royal Canadian Legion of Haliburton sergeant-at-arms Callum Wood during the laying of wreaths for the Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday, Nov. 11 in Haliburton. Hundreds attended the annual ceremony, which honours the service men and women who have served and continue serving their country. It was organized by the Royal Canadian Legion of Haliburton at the town’s cenotauph on Highland Street./DARREN LUM Staff
Wilberforce and Haliburton both held moving Remembrance Day ceremonies on Nov. 11 2016.