The Haliburton and District Lions Club awarded Dale Walker with the Melvin Jones Fellowship on the 100th anniversary of Lions Clubs International. The award recognizes her commitment to funding health care in the Haliburton Highlands. Walker retired from her post as the executive director of the Haliburton Highlands Health Services Foundation on May 31. From left Lions members Mary Lawr and Gerald Hadley award recipient Dale Walker and Lions Club member Jim Frost. The award was given after the Lions Club raised its 100th anniversary flag outside the A.J. LaRue arena in Haliburton on June 7. JENN WATT Staff

Haliburton Lions mark international club's 100th anniversary

By Jenn Watt

Published June 7 2017

One hundred years ago a businessman in Chicago named Melvin Jones launched an international service club that would go on to become the largest in the world: the Lions Clubs International.

After spending time in a business club dedicated to the financial interests of its members Jones was inspired to harness the ambition and skills of the men to create something that would better the wider world.

On June 7 the Haliburton and District Lions Club marked the 100th anniversary of the founding of Lions Clubs International by raising a special flag at the A.J. LaRue arena in Haliburton and recognizing the work of community member Dale Walker with the Melvin Jones Fellowship.

"Lions Clubs in Haliburton has donated to the foundation in Dale’s name in honour of her many many years of dedicated service to the health services foundation and the health services in Haliburton County" said Lion Jim Frost.

Lion Mary Lawr explained Jones's role in founding the service club and her pride in being part of the bigger picture.

"[Jones] formed Lions Club International in an effort to make our world a better place by encouraging service-minded people to serve their communities particularly those less fortunate than ourselves. One hundred years later Lions Clubs International is the largest service organization in the world today with over 1.4 million members. I’m very proud to be a Lion and I find it very appropriate that Dale Walker’s presented this award on Lions’ 100th birthday. We serve our community" Lawr said.