Artist Daniel Wright works on a model at his home studio in Haliburton. Wright recently launched his new business Clear Mind Artisan Jewellery and Casting Services. You can reach him at 705-394-4145 or by email /JENN WATT Staff

Company filling casting call in Highlands

By Jenn Watt

Published April 24 2018

From beginning to end the process of casting jewelry can take more than 24 hours. Even if the model for a ring for instance has already been created the series of steps and stages using expensive and specialized equipment can make the process inconvenient at best.
It’s not something students typically have much time to do on their own says Daniel Wright who has made a business in Haliburton offering artisan jewelry and casting.

Wright is a graduate of the Visual and Creative Arts Diploma (VCAD) program at Haliburton School of Art + Design and works for their blacksmithing program.
From his experience as a student Wright says there wasn’t enough time for most students to immerse themselves in the art of casting. However plenty of artists create pieces that could easily lend themselves to replication.
He saw a niche.
“Casting is a tremendous part of jewelry because you could spend 100 hours on a ring and you’ll never make your money back because you just can’t sell it for enough. But if you can make a mould and make multiples then you can make more. And of course expand your audience” says Wright sitting behind the glass countertop at his home business Clear Mind Jewellery and Casting Services on Highway 118 just outside of Haliburton.
He and his partner Shannon Schutt also an artist have set up a studio space with creations on display and the tools of the trade installed with all of the appropriate safety precautions.

As Wright explains casting jewelry is time consuming and requires specialized knowledge of not only the equipment but also the composition of various metals.
He has two large sheets of paper attached to the wall with various mathematical equations casting temperatures and metal gravity.
Wright got into working with metal through the VCAD program which introduced him to several art forms.
“I tried the blacksmithing course and I can make tools for jewelry I can make tools for blacksmiths I can make tools for carpenters and things I haven’t even heard of” he says “That segued into the jewelry.”
Making jewelry was similar to working as a blacksmith but there were fewer logistical hurdles he says.
“What I quickly learned about the jewelry was I could sell a diamond ring for more or as much as a custom railing without the need for building code and big welders and help and cranes and installation and all that stuff” he says.

And when he’s casting he can make many items at once.
While he imagines his customers will largely be college students or fellow artists Wright says he can also help any member of the public with questions about producing jewelry. For example if someone has a ring in silver that they’d like in gold he can help them do that.
And if he can’t help with a customer’s request Wright says he is happy to refer them to other services or give them advice.
He also sells his own creations which can be found on ClearMindCasting Etsy Facebook Pinterest and Instagram. To find out more or to consult with Wright call 705-394-4145 or email