By Darren LumTrade work will fund young woman’s equine passionThe following is in a series of co-op placement stories, featuring Haliburton Highlands Secondary School students and area employers in Haliburton County. Open to Grade 11…
Lions Club contributes to literacy with donations
The Haliburton and District Lions Club is bringing the Blue Spruce Award Reading Program to Stuart Baker Elementary School and Cardiff Elementary School. This reading program is part of the Forest of Reading Program, which…
TLDSB equity task force lifts off
The following are brief reports of items discussed at the board of trustees meeting of Trillium Lakelands District School Board on Nov. 24. By Jenn Watt The school board has taken the first necessary steps…
Continued vigilance key in pandemic: education director
The following are brief reports of items discussed at the Trillium Lakelands District School Board meeting on Nov. 10. By Jenn Watt Staff at area schools are being encouraged not to let their guard down…
First ‘octomester’ shows strong achievement rate for students
By Jenn Watt Most secondary school students enrolled in classes in Trillium Lakelands District School Board received class credits at the end of their first “octoblock” or “octomester” – the schedule employed this year where…
Director of education explains recent class reorganization
By Jenn WattA “significant reorganization” of classes was needed across the school board as administrators sought to make adjustments following shifts in student preferences for in-school or at-home learning, board trustees heard at their meeting…