TLDSB equity task force lifts off

The following are brief reports of items discussed at the board of trustees meeting of Trillium Lakelands District School Board on Nov. 24. By Jenn Watt The school board has taken the first necessary steps…

HHHS prepares for province’s second wave

By Sue TiffinWhile confirmed cases of COVID-19 have remained low in Haliburton County, with 19 cases having been reported resolved since the pandemic was declared in March, Haliburton Highlands Healthcare Services teams have been working…

Hatchery hurting financially amid pandemic

By Chad Ingram The Haliburton Fish Hatchery, operated by the Haliburton Highlands Outdoors Association, is facing some financially tight times amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.  “The COVID [pandemic] has stopped us from our fundraising activities,”…

Gendered impact of COVID-19

By Jenn Watt As we brace ourselves for a potential second wave of the coronavirus, with hundreds more positive tests coming back each day in Ontario than a month ago, we should be sure not…

Tracking COVID-19 in schools

By Sue Tiffin Parents and caregivers, as well as Ontarians in general, concerned about confirmed COVID-19 cases in class or at daycare will be able to track outbreaks of the virus at schools and child…