Questions on county’s climate plan

To the Editor,

After reading Mr. Ingram’s article reporting on the corporate climate change mitigation plan for the county prepared by Korey McKay, the following questions came to mind.

 1. What will this planned reduction of 15 per cent by 2030 cost local taxpayers? There was no mention whatsoever in the article about the cost of these initiatives nor where those funds would come from.

2. If electric vehicle charging stations are installed, what energy source would be used? Is our local electric power produced from hydro, nuclear or natural gas?

3. Also no mention of Haliburton’s forests, which, like those across the rest of the country, absorb CO2. With so much forested land within the county absorbing a relatively small (per square kilometre) level of CO2 emissions, will such a program make any noticeable difference to our air quality in Haliburton County? What are the current measurements of CO2 in the county, and what are they expected to be if this plan is 100% successful?
Dave Love
Haliburton Lake