Members of the Highland Storm executive met this week to discuss next steps for the second session of hockey.
Initially a decision was made back in December that if a lockdown was to continue anywhere past Feb. 15 the second session would be cancelled.
In a normal year our hockey season ends at the end of March however, due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic the OHF has released new information that they have extended the season up until May 31.
With this new information the executive has decided to hold off cancelling the second session for now and will revisit this decision as new information becomes available. The organization hopes to offer something to local hockey enthusiasts if time permits.
The Storm will also only be able to provide programming if our local public health unit is deemed to be an Orange, Yellow or Green Zone and it will be dependent on the organization’s ability to secure ice within the county.
More information will be posted to the Highland Storm website at when it becomes available.