To the Editor,
Sometimes we malign our police, so it was nice to see Sergeant Paul McDonald praised for his service and support in the article, Open your heart to connection published on March 29.
We have also had a similar experience. Our son died suddenly a couple of years ago in Thunder Bay. Sergeant John Spence of the Hailburton Highlands Detachment had the job of informing us, and he did it in as kindly and supportive way as could be imagined, similar to the experience Ben Middleton described.
Sergeant Spence’s understanding and compassion softened our pain, and he stayed with us while we processed the shock.
We too often do not fully appreciate the human (and humane) side of policing. We in Haliburton County are lucky in the service and support we get from our police detachment.
Joan and Jim Cochlin
Boshkung Lake