ByMike Gervais Special to the Echo
BehindStuart Baker School there lies a forest with a trail. Like anyother forest in Haliburton County it has trees and rocks and plantsand animals and birds and bugs. There is no one thing that isso remarkable that it stands out or captures a child’sattention until Jim Hopkins leads you on a hike.
Mr.Hopkins is retiring from Stuart Baker this year after leadinghundreds of children through hikes on this very trail. Thestudents would learn about Elephant Rock Stepping Stone HillWoodpecker Tree 1 2 and 3.
Theywould learn about the region’s history with stories about Ice AgeRock and the Ancient Forest and the former site of the Sugar Shack. Every hike would bring a new story and every story would bring newmagic to the forest. The magic will live on after Mr. Hopkinsretires with signs marking these special spots.
Onhis final walk through the forest as a teacher on the last day ofschool Mr. Hopkins was greeted at some of the magical spots byformer students with signs to mark them. Now the stories can continuefor generations and every student that graduates from Stuart Bakerwill know the enchanting tales of Hopkins Trail.