Laura Fideau centre cuts a ribbon to open the Taylor Donaldson memorial Cozy Corner at the revamped Wilberforce Elementary School library with the help of her son Isaiah Donaldson left and Trillium Lakelands District School Board Trustee Gary Brohman on Dec. 15. The nook was created to remember the former Grade 6 student who passed away in April 2015. ANGELICA INGRAM Staff

School board explains snow day procedures

By Angelica Ingram

Published Jan. 17 2017

Last week students across the county awoke to news that it was a snow day and that buses for Trillium Lakelands District School Board were cancelled.

They heard this news not once not twice but three times in a week.

Whether or not to cancel buses is a lengthy decision process by the board according to a spokesperson for the TLDSB transportation department.

“The decision as to whether or not the buses will be cancelled due to inclement weather is made by the superintendent of business in consultation with the transportation supervisor along with the appropriate local bus operators” she said.

The school board is divided into three main districts: Haliburton County City of Kawartha Lakes and District of Muskoka.

“In Haliburton every attempt is made to reach a decision by 6:30 a.m.” she said.

The decision on whether or not to cancel buses is based on a variety of factors including visibility freezing rain existing road conditions current and forecasted weather conditions reported by Environment Canada extreme cold temperatures and any other information available.

“The safe transportation of students to and from school shall be the guiding principle in all decisions to cancel bus transportation services taking into consideration current and forecasted weather and road conditions” she said.

According to a video created by the school board outlining cancellation policies the transportation department watches the Environment Canada website all day and night for weather statements prior to making a decision.

In addition bus companies communicate with the transportation department about local road conditions.

Notice of a bus cancellation is posted on websites such as and as well as through social media. The board’s Twitter handle is @TLDSB.

The board also sends an email to all local radio and TV stations about cancellations.

You can also subscribe to receive email notifications from the board by visiting

Notifications are not given if the buses are running.

When buses are cancelled schools remain open and students can be dropped off by parents if they wish.

A video outlining the cancellation policy can be viewed at on YouTube by searching TLDSB.