Letter to the Editor: Fireworks bylaw doesn’t go far enough

To the Editor

Since 1976 we have been cottagers on Lake Wenona and it has been a summer haven retreat for our family since that time. We spend the entire summer plus many winter weekends enjoying the sights and sounds of nature in Haliburton County with our children and young grandchildren.

We were recently informed that Dysart et al enacted a bylaw to limit the setting off of fireworks. We were pleased to hear that the bylaw provides for a decrease in noise pollution created by the frequency of fireworks on lakes in the county. While we appreciate the efforts of council to reduce noise pollution the bylaw does not in fact accomplish this goal because it still allows the setting off of fireworks on four weekends during the summer when many seasonal residents are here to enjoy the solitude serenity and beauty of this area.

We urge council to review this bylaw to further reduce the prevalence of fireworks during the summer by limiting fireworks to statutory holidays only on such days as Victoria Canada and civic holidays. If council is serious about limiting the use of fireworks it could sponsor public fireworks displays on these days as a way of discouraging cottagers of the need to disturb those of us who come here to enjoy peace and quiet and to enjoy the environment without having to be exposed to loud noises on our lakes.

Gary and Ella Diamond

Lake Wenona