Haliburton's Head Lake on April 25. Although most of the ice had gone there were still clumps around the shoreline that lasted until Tuesday April 30. /JENN WATT Staff

Head Lake ice goes out April 30

Although it seemed like winter would never leave Haliburton the last chunk of ice finally melted into Head Lake in the afternoon of Tuesday April 30.

We received more than 40 guesses from readers but only one person guessed the right date. Congratulations to Eli Bassan who receives a one-year subscription to the Haliburton Echo.

While we may think this winter was bad in 1876 things were much more frosty. Steve Hill curator of the Haliburton Highlands Museum recently found a clipping from the May 9 Globe and Mail from that year.

“There is said to be no prospect of navigation opening at Haliburton before the 20th the ice in Head Lake being still 18 or 20 inches thick” the story read.