In memory of Indy the golden retriever Patricia Bertram held a fundraiser over the summer with money raised going to the Haliburton Pet Owners Assistance Fund. She matched the dollars collected and made a donation of $1000. /Photo submitted

Cottage Country Log Cabin remembers Indy by helping other pets

For 10 years Indy a beautiful golden retriever welcomed customers to Cottage Country Log Cabin Trading Company in West Guilford. When Indy passed away this past winter owner Patricia Bertram decided that the best way to honour him would be to encourage customers to contribute to the Haliburton Pet Owners’ Assistance Fund in his memory.

Over the course of the past summer visitors have seen a memorial to Indy just inside the front door of the store where Indy was always waiting to greet his friends. Customers have contributed $500 in Indy’s memory which Patricia Bertram has matched to make a total contribution fund this Thanksgiving of $1000.

Bertram said “Indy brought so much love comfort and joy to my life and made every customer feel special. I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to have a pet as beloved as Indy but not be able to afford emergency or critical veterinary care. Helping other pets seemed like the best way to pass on the love that Indy brought to my life and to our customers.

“I would like to say a very big thank you to all my customers who shared with me how much they enjoyed visiting with Indy over the years and expressed their sympathy at his passing by making a contribution.”

Founded in late 2015 the Haliburton Pet Owners’ Assistance Fund is a registered charity whose mission is to assist low income pet owners in Haliburton county with the extraordinary costs of life-saving or life-sustaining veterinary care. Pet owners pay what they can manage and apply to the fund to help make up the total. Since inception the fund has provided $20000 in assistance to 33 pets and their owners for treatments totalling over $35000 for conditions ranging from removal of masses to broken bones and infections. The majority of pet owners assisted have been those on disability assistance and seniors receiving the Guaranteed Income Supplement for whom their pets are an important part of their lives.

For years Cottage Country Log Cabin Trading Company has been a road trip destination. Now here’s another reason to go to the store in West Guilford. Ruby an adorable golden retriever puppy has joined Patricia to welcome customers to the store.