Bursaries available through YWCA Peterborough Haliburton

By Mike Baker

The YWCA Peterborough Haliburton is offering women who have experienced gender-based violence the opportunity to pursue a new career.

Applications for the 2021 Hazel Education Bursary have been opened, with Kim Dolan, executive director of the YWCA Peterborough Haliburton, noting there are two bursaries – one for $2,500 and another for $1,500 – available this year.

The bursaries are intended to help women reach their goals through education or training. To qualify, women must have experienced barriers related to the impact of violence and abuse, have a dream to strengthen their economic security, be a resident of Peterborough or Haliburton County and seek to further their formal or informal education, or develop skills.

The grant was established in 1998 in recognition of Hazel, a volunteer from the Peterborough area, who for years sought to assist women who had been the victims of violence and “help them to pursue their dreams.”

“[Hazel] believed that everyone deserves a chance, and that chance should be made possible. She learned to speak out and encouraged others to stand up and be heard,” said Hazel’s daughter, who wished to remain anonymous.
Hazel passed away in 1996, following a long illness with breast cancer.

As per Hazel’s request, special consideration for the awards will be given to women from rural areas. Interested individuals are asked to submit a completed application by 4 p.m. on April 19.

To learn more, or to apply, visit ywcapeterborough.org/get-help/education/, or contact Yvonne Porter at 705-743-3526 ext. 116, or by email at yporter@ywcapeterborough.org.