YWCA asking for your vote

Submitted by YWCA Peterborough Haliburton

Published Oct. 11 2017

YWCA in Haliburton County has applied for an Aviva Community Fund to enhance the sustainability of services for women and children in Haliburton County.

“Funds are awarded based upon number of votes so community participation is essential” explains YWCA director of philanthropy and communications Jen Cureton. “We are the sole competitor seeking funds for use in Haliburton County. If successful we could invest up to $50000 in services for local women and children.”

To cast a vote in support of the YWCA’s Helping Rural Women in Haliburton Flee Violence project please register at: https://www. avivacommunityfund.org/voting/ project/view/17-145

YWCA provides the only Violence Against Women services in Haliburton County. Without these services hundreds of women would have no means to get the tools and assistance they need to help themselves and their children and escape violence.

The YWCA is currently engaged in a sustainability review for Haliburton County services to determine how to ensure these vital services – that are seeing increasing demand over the years – can continue.

One of the preliminary suggestions from the study and the basis for the YWCA’s Aviva Community Fund project is the implementation of a technological solution to both improve service for women and children and reduce expenses; an approach that is rapidly being adopted by service providers to connect with clients remotely.