Volunteers make the community

By Jenn Watt

Published April 24 2018

Volunteers came together at the Haliburton Curling Club on Sunday April 22 for an appreciation lunch put on by the Municipality of Dysart et al.

Mayor Murray Fearrey told the group which was composed of volunteers from a range of committees and organizations that the work they do keeps the community running.

“Sometimes politicians take credit for things they did or that’s happening and quite frankly it’s because of the volunteers. I recognized that a long time ago. There’s a lot of projects we can’t do like the skateboard park we couldn’t do without the volunteers and without community participation. I look at the Lions Club and Rotary Club and all the events they’re having. That’s what makes Haliburton and Dysart the community it is” he said.

He acknowledged members of the Harcourt community who had been strong advocates for the new Harcourt Community Centre.

He told them that there “has been some glitches and we’re working through them.”
“It’s been an aggravation and I want to thank some of the people here that have called me a couple of times” Fearrey said.

Ross Covert president of the Harcourt Community Centre thanked Fearrey for his work on the new building which is to replace the one that burned down at the end of 2015.