Cassidy Taylor who grew up in Haliburton spoke about her experience competing in finals of The Shot on Saturday Aug. 17 at the Living Arts Centre in Mississauga. Although she didn't make it to the final four she learned a lot from the experience./DARREN LUM Staff

Vaccination notices being sent out to parents this week

Published Jan. 23 2018

Notices are being sent out to about 2500 students in Haliburton County Northumberland County and City of Kawartha Lakes whose vaccination records aren’t up-to-date the health unit says.
Records must be current in order to avoid suspensions.

If their child brings home a notice parents should immediately call the health unit. There is also an online tool called Immunization Connection Ontariowhich allows you to track records online.

“We encourage families who receive a health unit notice to review their child’s vaccination record and get it updated with us as soon as possible” says Marianne Rock manager of communicable disease prevention and control with the HKPR District Health Unit. “The last thing the health unit wants to do is suspend students but we are legally required to ensure students attending school are fully immunized against certain vaccine-preventable diseases. Vaccines are free safe and effective and protect young people against serious illness.”

Suspensions will begin in the spring for those who do not provide updated records or do not have the necessary vaccinations. Students may be exempt from vaccination for religious or medical reasons or “issues of conscience” information from the health unit says.

All students at school must be vaccinated for diphtheria tetanus polio measles mumps rubella pertussis (whooping cough) varicella (chickenpox) and meningococcal disease.