Published Dec. 24 2018
The U18 Women’s Competitive Curling Team Team Byers comprised of lead Savannah Byers second Lena Haase vice Paige Ballantyne (from Owen Sound) and skip Jessica Byers based out of the Haliburton Curling Club have won the Canadian Winter Games Pre-Qualifiers that took place at the Orangeville Curling Club from Dec. 7 to 9.
They beat out seven other teams to qualify to compete as one of eight U18 women’s teams from all over Ontario at the Canadian Winter Games Trials in Sault Ste. Marie from Jan. 3 to 6 2019 for the opportunity to represent Ontario at the Canada Winter Games to be held in Red Deer Alberta at the end of February.
Team Byers would like to thank their coaches Hugh Nichol and Scotty Boyd as well as their sponsors: Rodco Enterprises Todd’s Independent Molly’s Bistro Georgian Bay Phoenix Gymnastics and Acro Block and Stone Resource Group Inc Elsie’s Diner and an anonymous donator for supporting them this season.