By Janet Trull
Special to the Echo
Just like it sounds Trash and Treasures is an event that offers an opportunity to get rid of your tired old trash and replace it with shiny new treasures. Rails End Gallery and Arts Centre Haliburton’s public art gallery organizes this sale every year as a fundraiser for arts programming. It has become a highly anticipated social occasion a bargain-hunter’s holiday and a good excuse to refresh your home or cottage decor. Come to Head Lake Park on Saturday June 15 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and join in the fun.
Early birds who arrive for the 8 a.m. opening will smell the coffee brewing. This year Rails End Gallery is promoting green ideas. The Greening of the Gallery includes a renewed effort to make environmentally responsible choices. Instead of plastic and styrofoam cups they will be serving coffee in complimentary ceramic mugs. Keep them or return them. Your choice. But they will not end up in our landfill. And bring along your own water bottles to refill at our new water refill station.
As usual there will be dozens of vendors with tables of trash treasures and other valuable finds. From precious antiques to practical household items it’s like a high-end garage sale perfect for browsers pickers and collectors alike.
Rails End Gallery has its own table of goods for sale and donations are gratefully accepted. They are looking for collectibles vintage goods nostalgia items knickknacks kitschy cottage stuff arts and craft supplies pottery and jewelry. As you do your spring cleaning the gallery asks that you consider setting aside some items for this fundraising effort.
Bring any “treasures” to Rails End Gallery on York Street between the May long weekend and June 8. Remember small and precious is best. Those previously loved china-cabinet artifacts can find a new home and your donation will go a long way to helping the gallery continue its family programming support for local artists and ongoing art exhibitions.
Another way to show support for the gallery is the Butter Tart contest. Bake two dozen tarts with your special recipe and select one (the very best one!) to be judged by the experts. The rest will be sold at $3 each. Both bakers and butter tart connoisseurs will make important contributions to the arts! The butter tart awards will be announced at noon on the day of the sale.
New this year and worth putting on your calendar is the Picker’s Preview. For all discerning treasure-hunters the Picker’s Preview is a chance to get a head start. On Saturday June 8 from noon until 4 p.m. Rails End Gallery will have donated items on display and available for purchase. The gallery is expecting a big crowd for the preview so come early! While you are there browse through the Gift Shop which features arts and crafts created by dozens of local artists and artisans. The Gift Shop is open all year but it is especially well-stocked right now in anticipation of a busy summer season.
Rails End Gallery volunteers are looking forward to welcoming loyal participants donors and buyers from years past. They also want to encourage new treasure-seekers hoping for a record-setting Trash and Treasures crowd on June 15.