April 21 2015
A few weeks ago I was informed of the inevitable closing of ourlocal store V&S Stedman’s in Haliburton. That is unless someonecomes forward to purchase it and continue the operation. This closingjust can’t happen. I just got here! By that I mean I just moved intoHaliburton less than a year ago and enjoyed my first winter which atthis point seems to be making a very strong stand in preventing thespring season to take over. There is such charm in some of these oldstores in town and I pray that it is not replaced by another dollarstore. First I love the senior discount Mondays. It’s such acomfortable feeling knowing that the start of my week already allows methe ability to purchase something with a price reduction. The toysection gives great entertainment to my grandchildren when they comeinto town and their eyes just sparkle at all the different choices eventhough they are only allowed to choose one item. Even if it is only onelittle bouncy ball it keeps my grandson happy. It’s the only placewhere I have seen road hockey sticks including goalie sticks. Theclothing section always includes the essential long underwear for adults or kids and I find that the variety of clothing is just enough tochoose from eliminating that overwhelming feeling that you get in otherbox stores. I purchased my very first fluorescent orange hunting tuquefrom this store. Many years ago I purchased a very cool pair of flowered summer shorts that have become a permanent part of my summercollection tattered as they may be. With the expense of building ourhome it was necessary to cut some corners and so it was off toStedman’s for my drapes and curtain rods. I would never have imaginedthat in the small selection available there was something that matchedperfectly in all of my three bedrooms. They are stunning! In the kitchen department I desperately needed to purchase some dinner plates. InStedman’s I struck another great find. They are white they are largeand how can I pass up the sale price of $2 a plate? My cupboards nowincluding a place setting for six. And how can we forget the sale clerks and their friendly smiles? Not always found but so important forcustomer service. It was just before Christmas and I was interested inpurchasing a crochet hook and a ball of wool – something for a beginner. A very nice lady took the time to listen to what I wanted and help mechoose the right option since this was a Christmas present for mygranddaughter not me. The collection of summer life jackets now hang in the store and some bright spring and summer wear are now ondisplay. Not sure how anyone else feels about this but I know how Ifeel. Can the closing really happen? I am all for change but sometimesit’s just nice to keep things they way they are. The phrase “ClosingOut” just leaves me with a very sad feeling. Perhaps a purchaser willstep forward. I can only hope.
Jo-Ann Sloan Haliburton