Chris Garner works on his latest violin based on a “Strad” – a design of the 17th century Italian luthier Antonio Stradivari. Hundreds of Stradivari's stringed instruments still exist. Garner hopes his violin will also last “long after we're gone.” Garner is one of 15 students in the advanced musical instrument construction course held at the Haliburton School of Art and Design from July 11 to 15. ANGELA LONG Staff

Thanks for helping HERS

Published March 21 2017

To the Editor

The generosity of Haliburton County never ceases to amaze me!
The International Women’s Day YWCA HERS fundraiser hosted by Fleming College March 8 raised $15600 (still coming in). The $7800 donated by our community was doubled by the incredible generosity of the Hays and other anonymous donors. This was unbelievable!
Like our counterparts across the world 80 plus women men college students and children came together to honour the social economic cultural and political achievements of women throughout history.

The theme in 2017 is #BE BOLD FOR CHANGE! It was a perfect evening to increase awareness about and rekindle interest and support for the YWCA HERS (Haliburton Rural SafeSpace) and the much needed supports they provide for women and children in our community. It also acknowledged the ongoing support of our community since the 1990s and the incredible women of vision who worked hard to achieve the goal of creating a women’s shelter. Thank you Zoe Chilco Jude King Cindee St. Pierre Heather Ross Gena Robertson (SIRCH) and the HERS Committee that carried the dream forward to 2003 (too many people to name).

I would be remiss if I did not initially express my sincerest appreciation to the media print and radio for your ongoing support of this very important funding issue. Without all of you the message would never have reached so many.
A huge “shout out” goes out to Fleming College staff and students all of the individuals and businesses who provided poster printing delicious food and a beautiful gift basket draw to thank our attendees.

Zoe Chilco Sage Christiano and Cassidy Glecoff (sound by Mark Christiano) your contribution pulled the evening together with your uplifting music.
It takes a team to make an event successful and I would like to sincerely thank each volunteer and the YWCA staff and board for your efforts.
I feel so privileged to live in such a giving and compassionate community.

Bonnie Roe