By Jenn Watt
All of Extendicare-Haliburton’s residents and staff have tested negative for the coronavirus and Haliburton Highlands Health Services is awaiting a few remaining tests but has so far also had all negative test results at its two homes.
Following a provincial directive to long-term care facilities to test all staff and residents providers in the county have moved forward with testing.
“All 58 residents and 66 staff currently living and working on site have been tested” said Niklas Chandrabalan regional director at Extendicare in an email to the Echo on May 8. “We are very glad to report that all of the tests came back negative.”
Extendicare-Haliburton checks residents and staff for symptoms twice a day Chandrabalan said which includes taking their temperature and completing an assessment and Ministry of Health screening checklist.
If there were a positive case he said that an isolation room is ready for that resident.
“We are so thankful to our Extendicare Haliburton families and their ongoing understanding at this challenging time. We know the distance has been difficult but their support has made a world of difference for our residents and team members. We are lucky to be a part of such a caring community” he said.
At HHHS along with testing staff at long-term care CEO Carolyn Plummer said on Friday that all remaining staff were tested for COVID-19.
“This will also help us ensure we can best protect our staff residents patients and the community from any further spread of the virus. Similar to our testing in the long-term care setting we will look at these results as one ‘picture in time’ of our current status and will continue to work diligently at our infection control and prevention measures. As well once we have these results they will be shared with staff first then the media and the public” she said.