Recording studio comes to Highlands

By Darren LumCanoe FM’s latest initiative brings opportunities for music lovers in the HighlandsTalk to anyone from the Highlands who has produced an album recently and they will tell you about travelling to studios outside…

Canoe FM’s Radio Playhouse presents Shatter

By Vivian Collings The Halifax Explosion that claimed nearly 2,000 lives happened more than a century ago, but the tragedy can be linked to comparable prejudices and reactions to present day crises.In Canadian playwright Trina…

Canoe FM’s new Opera Night in Canada

By Jerelyn Craden“Opera Night in Canada,” (ONC) the new show on Haliburton’s volunteer community radio station, Canoe FM, was given its name by creator and host, Dawn Martens, who is on a mission to change…

Big thanks to Canoe FM!

To the Editor, The Volunteer Dental Outreach for Haliburton County (VDO) would like to express deep gratitude to Canoe FM for once again selecting our charity (among several others) as a recipient of Radio Bingo.…

Finding salvation at the mic

By Darren LumCanoe FM’s Patrick Monaghan celebrated his 300th show Life. It’s not something Patrick Monaghan takes for granted.The radio announcer of the popular, award-winning Buckslide Blues Cruise show just celebrated his 300th show last…