By Jenn Watt
Published March 13 2018
WoodlandsWildlife Sanctuary treats about 600 animals a year but thevolunteers there field about 1000 phone calls.
Peoplecall for advice on what to do with problem wildlife an animal livingunder the deck for instance.
“Wedo a lot of conflict resolution in that sense” said MonikaMelichar owner of Woodlands Wildlife Sanctuary at Go Wild forWildlife fundraiser Saturday night.
Thesanctuary is a charitable organization run by volunteers on propertyowned by Melichar and her husband Whitebear. They moved to the areain 2008 from Keswick and found that their love for animals led todeveloping the property into a place for orphaned and injuredwildlife to recover.
“Iwas one of those kids you couldn’t keep away from rescuingbutterflies that were drowning in the lake or caterpillars that weregetting too hot on the pavement” Melichar said.
“AsI grew my love for wildlife and all animals grew with me.”
Thefundraiser on March 10 at Pinestone Resort included a vegetariandinner music by Custom Blend and live and silent auctions. MC MikeJaycock doubled as the auctioneer.
Melicharsaid the sanctuary is always expanding and this year it’sdeveloping a raptor enclosure which will allow birds of prey to havean area to fly around in before their release into the wild.
“That’sgoing to be really helpful to us and other sanctuaries in the areathat can come and use that enclosure too” she said.
EastonBurk 8 was also honoured during the dinner for his decision tocollect donations rather than gifts at his birthday. The donationstotalled more than $400 which was given to the sanctuary. Heattended the event with his papa Rob Taylor. (See page 5 for fullstory on Easton.)