Emmalyn Rynard receives the Digital Image Design Certificate Award from Fleming College vice-president Tom Weegar. /OLIVIA ROBINSON

Student brings home acting honour from one-act play festival

By Angelica Ingram

Published Nov. 29 2016

Hannah Klose is no stranger to the stage both in Haliburton and beyond the county’s borders.
The 17-year-old student at Haliburton Highlands Secondary School loves to be in the spotlight and is gaining a reputation as a thespian and musical star.
Earlier this month Hannah participated in the Eastern Ontario Drama League’s One-Act Festival in Perth with the Highlands Little Theatre.
The group performed George is Dead with Hannah acting in one of the main roles.
The teenager thoroughly enjoyed the experience and was shocked to find out she was awarded one of the top acting honours the Pauline Grant Award for an actress in a leading role.
“Why I won it they said was for my portrayal of an older character with conviction” said Hannah.
The teenager was playing a middle aged woman named Carla who was feeble and weak.
“She gave into others’ wills before her own” said Hannah.
Hannah didn’t even attend the awards ceremony put on by the Drama League and was surprised when fellow cast member Sue Black told her the news of her win.

HLT cast members Black and Stephen Thayer were also nominated for acting awards.
This was the first time Hannah had participated in the one-act festival.
“It was really really cool” said Hannah. “I would definitely do it again.”
Born and raised in Haliburton Hannah has been on the stage since she was a child beginning with the role of Annie.
“My first lead role was Belle in Beauty and the Beast in Lindsay two years ago” she said. “I love acting.”
She has performed in musicals such as HMS Pinafore and with the Highlands Summer Festival and Highlands Little Theatre.
“I’ve taken singing lessons for a big portion of my life 10 years now” she said.
“I’ve also taken piano for that long.”

Other passions of hers include sports and creative writing including poetry essays and song writing.
In her final year of study at HHSS Hannah is hoping to study law in university and keep her interest in theatre as a hobby.
She is considering doing a minor in musical theatre or joining a theatre group.