Zombies stagger into the Pinestone. The Haliburton Zombie Walk raised money for area food banks Oct. 31. Legions of undead came to the Pinestone in search of brains, delicious brains, at the Haliburton Zombie Walk Oct. 31. Sam Williams and Seamus Jarrett-Lynch doing their best walking dead impression at the Haliburton Zombie Walk at the Pinestone on Oct. 31. All the better to see you with? Some zombies had some pretty elaborate makeup for the Haliburton Zombie Walk at Pinestone Oct. 31. The undead, including a zombie Luigi, took over Pinestone Resort and Conference Centre on Oct. 31 for the Haliburton Zombie Walk. The walk, Horror from Wonderland Road Goes Underground and a Zombie After Party all raised funds for the county’s food banks. Tanner Baker shoots a web as spiderman. Katarina Baker, who was a little camera-shy, was dressed as a strawberry for the Halloween family fun day in Wilberforce on Oct. 31. Ayla Demuth gets ready to play some Madalyn Byrne was dressed as Cleopatra at the Halloween family fun day at Wilberforce’s Lloyd Watson Memorial Centre on Oct. 31. This guy was having an electrifying time at Terror from Wonderland Road Goes Underground at the Pinestone on Oct. 31. Halloween festivities ast the resort raised money for the county’s food banks.