Entertainer Brigitte Gall delivered a stand-up comedy performance at the Highlands Christmas Shindig on Saturday at the Northern Lights Performing Arts Pavilion. DARREN LUM Staff

Shindig displays Haliburton's finest

To the Editor

We just came home from a weekend in Haliburton; the timing was planned so that we could attend the Haliburton Shindig on Saturday evening (with friends from the area). We attended last year and were very impressed with Dame Beatrice Elf and all the local talent. Although we have been to Haliburton many times in the past this was a very special visit. We were absolutely thrilled with the community “feeling” and support that surrounded this fundraising event for those who need assistance with fuel needs over the winter. To have a full house to have donations of over $17000…this was amazing.
However just as importantly from my perspective was the community feeling that permeated the evening. I know that people often “retire” to Haliburton County. I am sure they have done their homework and are impressed with the clean air lovely lakes starry skies and friendly people. What is not so obvious until you have experienced it is this feeling of togetherness helpfulness and cooperation that filled the auditorium that evening. This is just a sample of what the REAL Haliburton is all about. Well done County of Haliburton!
Robert Morrow