By Darren Lum
Published May 3 2016
Wildlife photographer Ron Goodlin is bringing the Arctic to the Highlands with his multimedia presentation Da Bears on May 13 at 7 p.m. at the Haliburton Highlands Outdoors Association Fish Hatchery located on Gelert Road in Haliburton.
The Photographer of the Year for 2015 as named by the Greater Toronto Council of Camera Clubs has had several one-man and group shows authored several books and has led presentations on wildlife photography and nature conservancy.
He will be presenting still images video and speaking about his trip to the Arctic as part of a group that visited the area to look at the effects of global warming on the polar bear population.
“My photographic vision is to create a natural minimally manipulated but artistic images that will be engaging and appeal to the general public and thus help to bring the story of these endangered animals to the forefront creating awareness of the effects of pollution climate change global warming urban sprawl industrialization and poaching” he said in a press release.
Organized by the not-for-profit Haliburton Highlands Camera Club the event will also feature images of Grizzly bears and a talk about his trip to Alaska.
It is open to the public and admission for non-members is $5 to cover “direct expenses.”
Former club president and founder Glenn Springer is a good friend and asked Goodlin to come. Springer said organizing these kinds of presentations is part of keeping the membership interested.
“You have to get enthusiasm from the members. Two things make them enthusiastic and that’s one of them” he said referring to presentations.
The club also holds regular competitions where it encourages the members to be motivated to take photos and receive feedback.
Two years ago Goodlin held a presentation on his trips to Africa for not only an opportunity to photograph wildlife but also to help local children with dental care.
There is a certain amount of envy Springer said when it comes to travel that Goodlin has had in getting his photos. However his presentation will not only show what he did but how he captured the images and video.
“You also learn a lot about techniques and what to look for when you’re shooting your own pictures but generally it’s an appreciation of some very fine photography by a good photographer” he said.
Every month the close to 50 member club has a meeting. They welcome visitors and new members to join them. The next meeting is at 7 p.m. on May 18 at the Minden Hills Cultural Centre. A guest speaker has yet to be named. Last month featured photographer Rob Stimpson.
For more information see the club’s website