Secondary school teachers board come to agreement

By Jenn Watt

Published July 5 2016

In time for commencement at the high school teachers represented by OSSTF and Trillium Lakelands District School Board have come to agreement.
In a joint release issued June 28 both parties confirmed a new contract has been ratified.
“We are pleased that our members can begin planning for the fall knowing that they have a new contract in place” Colin Matthew president of OSSTF District 15 said in the release.

TLDSB board chairwoman Louise Clodd expressed similar sentiments: “It is very encouraging to have come to an agreement with our secondary teachers before the end of this school year.”
While the central agreement between the province and OSSTF was reached earlier this year a local agreement also needed to be negotiated.

On June 1 the union had said its workers wouldn’t run extra curricular activities in the fall should an agreement not be found.
Local teachers ratified the new agreement June 28.