Ryall votes against planning fee changes

By Sue Tiffin

Published August 8 2017

The following are brief reports of items discussed during an Aug. 2 meeting of Highlands East council.

Councillor Cec Ryall was the sole no in a vote for the adoption of revised planning fees.

The proposed changes to planning department fees were presented by Shannon Hunter CAO at the July 5 council meeting. The changes include a proposed increase to the site plan agreement application deposit the plan of subdivision deposit and the temporary use bylaw deposit. Ryall had expressed concerns about the amount of increase as well as some of the areas of the increase when the fee changes were first presented.

Planning department fee increases include a site plan agreement application to amend from $300 to $1000 a plan of subdivision from $2000 to $2500 and the temporary use bylaw from $1000 to $1200 or from $750 to $1200 for granny flats and garden suites.

“I’m not in favour of this at all” said Ryall at the Aug. 2 meeting. “I think this is detrimental to the overall economic impact … I think this is possibly something that may be needed. I don’t think it’s needed right now and I don’t think it’s needed to the extent of the costs that we’re projecting.”

Ryall requested a recorded vote which was 4-1 in favour of the changes.

Council agreed to apply for substantial funding from an Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund grant that would help realign Dyno Road and to begin purchasing property in preparation for the project.

“This is our chance if we’re going to do it” said Earl Covert roads superintendent.

In a report to council Covert recommended beginning the process of purchasing property for future realignment at the corner at Homestead Road and the corner north of Lewis Road.

“It’s becoming more of a main artery all the time” said Covert.

A consultant was approved by council to help complete the grant application.

More than 100 people have signed up for swimming lessons at Lake Wilbermere beach in Wilberforce Pine Lake beach in Gooderham and at the Cardiff pool. In 21 days from July 1 to 25 486 people made use of the Cardiff pool with 46 pool badges being sold so far.

A recycling information day will be held at 10 a.m. at the Cardiff Community Centre and 12 p.m. at the Gooderham Community Centre on Aug. 19. Councillor Suzanne Partridge who is chair of the environment advisory committee said interested residents can bring their recycling with them and have questions answered.

Student septic maintenance inspectors Adam Bird and Robert Carter expect to be finished assessing Koshlong Lake septic sites by mid-August.

Since May Bird and Carter have seen properties on Little Glamor Lake Glamor Lake Billings Lake Stormy Lake Tamarack Lake and Trooper Lake. As of August 2666 properties had been assessed.

“Overall we are seeing about 74 per cent of properties in the low risk category 12 per cent in moderate risk eight per cent high risk and four per cent belonging to the very high risk category” read a report from the student inspectors.

Septic systems identified as very high risk might have had a steel tank damaged or corroded tank damaged filter bed homemade non-conforming system visible effluent or need for an immediate upgrade.

Agendas and minutes for Highlands East council and committees can now be accessed online alongside meeting information for the county and other lower tier municipalities. Additional information and a link to the agendas and minutes can be found at www.highlandseast.ca or directly at haliburton.civicweb.net.