By Monday morning work to repair the entrance to Emmerson Lumber had begun after a driver drove his vehicle into it./DARREN LUM Staff

Police investigating downtown incidents

By Mike Baker

The Haliburton Highlands OPP are following up on incidents at Emmerson Lumber and CIBC in Haliburton village over the long weekend.

With Easter Monday serving as a statutory holiday for administrative members of the OPP, details surrounding the incidents at press time were scarce. Sgt. Jason Folz, central regional media relations and community services coordinator, informed the Echo that more information will be made available later this week.

The Echo can confirm that, at around 7:15 on Sunday morning, a vehicle mounted the front steps of Emmerson Lumber and smashed through the front doors. The individual then left the scene without entering the store. The front doors to the local business were replaced on Monday.

Haliburton Highlands OPP interim detachment commander Daniel Collings told the Echo on Monday afternoon that there was also damage caused to the Haliburton CIBC banking machines. A male was arrested and held in custody overnight on Sunday, and was released on bail on Monday.

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