To the Editor
In last week’s Tales from the Great GreenMeadow Lynda Shadbolt expressed so well the grateful feelings of thewhole community on hearing of Scott Rae’s ongoing recovery from what was a horrendous accident.
Thank you Lynda for your excellent article. It was a well deserved “shout-out” to my longtime neighbour Doreen herlate husband Grant and their two wonderful sons – who were taught thevalue of the work ethic early on by their parents.
We never had anydoubt that Scott would give his best effort to speed up his own recovery (against tremendous odds) with the huge support of his family hismedical team and the prayers of his friends.
Thank you for this trulyinspiring report as well as for the many fine stories and picturesetc. that make me look forward to reading the Echo each week.
Bill Gliddon