Antoine Mountain speaks at the Canoe FM Radio Hall on Oct. 3 for a launch of his book From Bear Rock Mountain: The Life and Times of a Dene Residential School Survivor. /JENN WATT Staff

Most septic systems deemed ‘low risk’ in HE

By Sue Tiffin

Published Sept. 12 2017

The following are brief reports of items discussed at the Sept. 6 meeting of Highlands East council.

Student septic maintenance inspectors Adam Bird and Rob Carter who began inspecting septic systems on six lakes in Highlands East completed their assignment on Aug. 25.
In total 903 properties were visited on seven lakes – Little Glamor Glamor Billings Stormy Tamarack Trooper and Koshlong. About 76 per cent of septic systems inspected were in the low risk category 11 per cent were in the moderate risk category eight per cent were high risk and five per cent were very high risk.
A report from the students said the “[m]ajority of current system were in fine working order with just a few having moderate maintenance issues. Throughout the six lakes that were reinspected about 40 steel tanks had been found to be still in use. Most of these tanks were corroded and posed a high health hazard to the surrounding lakes.”
Property owners with failing or inadequate systems were sent letters alerting them to the situation.
“Some homeowners were not even aware that they even had a filter bed to maintain which resulted in it being overgrown and possibly nonfunctioning” read the report. “So just bringing awareness to these homeowners was enough to correct a lot of these moderate risk systems.”
Laurie Devolin chief building official noted the program might be able to continue next year with continued support from lake associations who she said were the driving force in establishing the septic maintenance program in the area.

Herlihey Park formerly known as the Wilberforce Veneer property will be dedicated in a ceremony at 11 a.m. on Sept. 25. Carol and Karl Marcus who helped acquire the seven acres of property bordering Dark (Pusey) Lake through a donation are expected to attend. Everyone is welcome.
At an open house attended by about 25 members of the public in July ideas including a picnic area lighted walking trail swim area parking trees and a playground were among the top ideas for future development of the park.

The Cardiff swimming pool was open for 49 days and had 1030 visits compared to 1789 visits in 2016. Pool badge sales were down from 73 in 2016 to 46 this year.
Regarding the lower numbers Stewart Hurd environmental supervisor said: “A big assumption would be the weather. Weather’s been affecting a lot of stuff this year.”

Corduroy Enduro Riders have applied for an un-serviced camping agreement on the grounds of the Gooderham Community Centre for the weekend of Sept. 21 to 24.  They also hope to briefly cordon off some roads in the area during the 64th annual motorcycle race which takes place Sept. 23 to 24. Approximately 200 attendees visit the area for the races.

The Cardiff water service project that began June 21 is expected to be finished by the end of the year with landscaping done next spring according to Hurd environmental supervisor. As of Aug. 29 78 services had been completed.

Recycling information sessions held on Aug. 19 saw only three people outside of two councillors and municipal staff attend in Cardiff and only one person a municipal employee attend in Gooderham.
“It seems those who do recycle don’t feel they need the information and those who don’t recycle wouldn’t bother to attend” said Joanne Vanier community economic development and committee co-ordinator.
Councillor Suzanne Partridge said the information sessions offered new tips to her and said despite low attendance the sessions would still make a difference.
“It didn’t matter there were few people” she said. “There’s a huge ripple effect.”
“I learned a few things I didn’t know” said Councillor Cam McKenzie.

Paudash Beach has been chosen as a site to be naturalized by The Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners (CHA) and volunteers are being asked to pitch in on Oct. 1 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.