By Darren Lum
Published Oct. 11 2017
Long-time Highlands resident Carl Dixonand Haliburton Highlands Secondary School graduate Cassidy Glecoffare the musical headlining acts for Rogers Hometown Hockey thisweekend.
Dixon who has performed at variouslocations in Ontario for Hometown Hockey the past two seasons willperform with his Trio (Pat Gowan and Mark Santer) at noon 2:15 p.m.and 5:15 p.m. at the main stage on Saturday Oct. 14.
Glecoff will also take the main stageand perform at noon 2:15 p.m. and 5:15 p.m. the next day on Sunday.She will be performing with the band Northbourne.
As reported by Moose FM Glecoff isexcited to perform in front of what is expected to a large crowd atHead Lake Park. The 17-year-old has a record deal with Cadence MusicGroup in Toronto which was earned when she won the She's the Onecompetition (for emerging female artists in Canada from 13 to21-years-old) at the RBC Bluesfest in Ottawa this past summer.
According to a press release fromDixon of The Guess Who April Wine and ConeyHatch said he couldn't be prouder. He said he “went out of hisway to recommend local talent to feature in the show.”
“When you look at the great playersthat have come from Haliburton it is extraordinary. It was my hopethat Hometown Hockey would come to Haliburton so when we got wind ofit a while back we had a hard time keeping it under wraps. It’sgreat news for my home town” Dixon said.
"For anyone who doesn't know aboutRogers Hometown Hockey it really is a brilliant community event; it'slike a hockey carnival comes to town! I hope our Haliburton Countyfolks show up in big numbers for this special event" saidDixon.
For a general idea of what RogersHometown Hockey see: