HHHS staff, residents test negative for COVID-19
Haliburton Highlands Health Services confirmed on May 13 that tests of the staff and residents at Highland Wood and Hyland Crest long-term care homes have come back negative.
In addition, surveillance testing of all HHHS staff done on May 5 has also come back 100 per cent negative.
“While we are extremely pleased to share this news, we are looking at this testing as strictly one ‘picture in time,’” said Carolyn Plummer, president and CEO, in a press release. “HHHS will not relax our diligent work to protect all residents and staff, including through physical distancing and handwashing, twice-daily temperature screening, and the wearing of masks in our facilities.”
A representative for Extendicare-Haliburton long-term care home told the Echo on May 8 that its residents and staff had also all tested negative for COVID-19.