The Haliburton Lions Club marked the Dysart 150 and Lions Club International's 100th with their first Little Free Library constructed by Peter Stelter and stocked with books purchased by the local Lions. The library will be installed near the West Guilford Shopping Centre and will be available for anyone who wants to take a book home to read. After reading the book the Lions ask you to bring it back for others to enjoy. They revealed their project at the Dysart 150 celebrations on Saturday July 8. From left Dysart et al Reeve Murray Fearrey Councillor Susan Norcross volunteer Peter Stelter Deputy-reeve Andrea Roberts Lions Marilyn Frost Robert McIvor Liz Matthews Gail Stelter Ann McIvor and Jenny Miller. /JENN WATT Staff

Lightning strikes Dysart multiple times

By Angelica Ingram

Published March 7 2017

An uncharacteristic thunderstorm kept Dysart firefighters busy on Friday Feb. 24 as a few homes in Haliburton were struck by lighting.

Haliburton fire chief Mike Iles said the department received three calls on Feb. 24 and while attending one call had an individual walk up and ask for some assistance due to an odour in their house.
“All of them were a result of the lightning storm” said Iles.

The fire chief said the first call came through as a lightning strike with smoke in the basement.
“The end result was there was no fire” he said. “The basement did have smoke in it. We did have to ventilate the smoke out.”

None of the incidents resulted in any injuries. The calls all came within half an hour of each other said Iles.

“The smoke in the basement call certainly had some electrical components damaged” he said.

One of the calls came from the housing development Whispering Pines located on County Road 21. As a result of a lightning strike the building’s elevator was not working said Iles.

The fire chief said three of the calls came because residents were concerned about an odour and that if that is the case it’s wise to call the fire department.

“Certainly the first call there was definite potential that it could have resulted in a fire” he said.