By Jenn Watt
Tory Hill is one of 302 communities in Ontario the LCBO has listed for potential LCBO convenience outlets. Application packages are now available to businesses interested in applying for authorization to sell alcohol in designated communities.
The announcement made Sept. 10 is part of the provincial government’s push to increase access to alcohol with the LCBO committing to authorize 200 convenience outlets by the spring.
Asked how communities are chosen the press office for LCBO said via email: “The government of Ontario in consultation with the LCBO determines the communities for the LCBO Convenience Outlet program. The LCBO Convenience Outlet program provides access to beverage alcohol products to communities that do not otherwise have convenient access to an LCBO retail store or Convenience outlet.”
Interested businesses that meet the criteria are entered into a lottery in each community for the opportunity to run the convenience outlet. They receive full authorization once they demonstrate they are operationally ready for business the press office said.
In June the LCBO listed the villages of Harcourt Fort Irwin and Norland as eligible for convenience outlets.
“A retailer in Harcourt has been approved for authorization and once this retailer becomes operationally ready for business they will be awarded full authorizations and can then place orders for beverage alcohol. In Norland the Norland Food Market has been approved for authorization and is now selling beverage alcohol” the press office said.
“The Fort Irwin Marina was awarded an LCBO Convenience Outlet authorization and is currently selling beverage alcohol.”