Ideas to get the HHHS message out

February 24 2015

Glad to read it [Haliburton Highlands Health Services money] is aprovincial grant received for rebranding because it sounds like HHHShas already been rebranded and it sure needs to get that news out.
Justto review the bidding here HHHS offers acute care emergencyfacilities provides long-term care mental health services supportivehousing meals on wheels hospice services transportation servicesadult day programming diners’ club geriatric assessment andintegration network and has hired a community GAIN co-ordinatorincluding support for those with mental health conditions providingassisted living physiotherapy services and a palliative care communityteam.  Probably more but my head is already spinning.  Who theseservices are for where they are available when they are available who you have to book with any prerequisites preregistration referralsrequired are questions that are bound to arise.  Plus many more.
To get this amount of information properly disseminated it could well require town hall meetings allowing time for question and answer sessions inmany areas of this sprawling county certainly in more locations thanjust Haliburton Minden and Wilberforce.  In addition making personnelavailable to address the many service clubs in the area as well wouldallow for smaller audiences with perhaps specific concerns.  Radiointerviews maybe taped maybe live with call-ins would be beneficial.  Newspaper articles addressing frequently asked questions couldhelp.
Links directly from websites that either used to provide theseservices or websites of organizations whose members would have aninterest in those services ought to be established. Off the top of myhead SIRCH VON CARP Point In Time would all becontenders.
Establish a direct help-line whose purpose is to providecallers-in with information on services they may require an ability torefer them to the right people and a willingness to mail outbrochures. Which neatly brings me to brochures. The services offered now by HHHS can be grouped and outlined so that those in need of oneservice can identify the complementary services also offered. There maywell be duplication but when someone needs the kind of help offered byHHHS they need all the support they can get as they may not have theexperience to ask the right questions.
All of the foregoing would surely cost $45000 ($50000 is only $45000+tax) taking into account thecosts of hospital personnel time travel expenses venue rentalsprinting costs advertising expenses and so on. Designing a new logowould not only be a significant expense (what on earth is wrong with the existing one?) but it would also eat up the time of those whose dayjobs don’t involve debating the merits of teal over turquoise. As wellthere is the associated cost of new letterheads envelopes businesscards brochures forms et cetera that needs to be taken intoaccount.
In the spirit of bread before circuses bandages beforegraphics.

Anne-Marie Borthwick