HKPR District Health Unit launches new COVID-19 data dashboard

A new way to deliver data has been launched on the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit website. The health unit had been receiving requests from residents to present the data in a different format, according to Dr. Lynn Noseworthy, the health unit’s medical officer of health.
“People were asking for a more visual representation and pointed to a platform being used by other health units as an example,” Noseworthy told the Echo. “The health unit launched the new platform [this month]. It is live for people to use but we are still refining the tool.”

The dashboard is designed to provide the information in a more visual format that the health unit is hoping people will find easier to access, it does not release further information about confirmed cases, such as a breakdown of age/gender of confirmed cases per specific county, or which towns the people diagnosed with COVID-19 live.

“The health unit is legally required to protect an individual’s personal and personal health information when that information is in our custody or control,” said Noseworthy. “That means we will not provide any information about confirmed cases that could potentially lead to that individual being identified, including their specific age, gender or place of residence.”
“We appreciate any public feedback as we are still working on refining the product to help meet people’s information needs,” said Noseworthy.
Visit to see the chart, which is updated daily.