The Haliburton Platoon 109th Battalion is seen here in the spring of 1916.. On May 24 1916 they boarded the train and went to Lindsay for the big ” send=” off”.=” afterwards=” the=” whole=” 1000=” men=” of=” the=” 109th=” left=” for=” england.=” overseas=” the=” 109th=” was=” dispersed=” among=” other=” battalions=” as=” reinforcements=” to=” replace=” casualties.=” historian=” guy=” scott=” has=” images=” of=” the=” platoons=” from=” haliburton=” minden=” and=” kinmount=” – composing=” d=” company=” of=” the=” 109th=” battalion=” in=” the=” first=” world=” war.=” he=” says=” he’s=” missing=” images=” from=” the=” gooderham=” highland=” grove=” platoon.=” scott=” is=” putting=” together=” a=” book=” to=” commemorate=” the=” 100th=” anniversary=” of=” the=” deployment=” of=” the=” 109th=” battalion=” and=” would=” like=” anyone=” with=” stories=” images=” or=” memorabilia=” to=” contact=” him.=” photo=” courtesy=” of=” guy=” scott”=

Historian seeking First World War images from eastern part of county

Published: March 22 2016

By Jenn Watt

As local historian Guy Scott collected photos and documents from Haliburton and Victoria counties for his book on soldiers from the 109th Battalion who served in the First World War a gap appeared.
Plenty of images of platoons came in from Minden Haliburton and Kinmount but nothing from the fourth platoon.

“There’s one thing I’m short of and that’s Gooderham and Highland Grove. They had a platoon as well. There was four platoons in the north: Minden Haliburton Gooderham and Kinmount” Scott says.
“I don’t know whether [the photos] exist or not.”

Scott is bringing together the photos documents and stories from that time when the combined counties recruited some 1000 men to serve overseas.

The timeline on the book is short as Scott is intending on having it available at the Victoria County Historical Society’s banquet commemorating the 100 year anniversary of the deployment of the 109th on May 13 and 14.

According to Joan Abernethy vice-president of the society a parade in Lindsay will mark the occasion “with re-enactment of colours presentation by Lady Eaton.” Money from the event will go to sending local cadets to Vimy Ridge next year and to assist veterans in palliative care.

Scott says he wants to get beyond a book of soldiers’ photos and roll calls and tell the stories behind the names.

“If anybody has anything hiding in basements particularly the people in the eastern end I’d love to hear from you” he says.

You can get in touch with Scott at 705-488-3182 or email