HighlandWood residents relocated evacuated from building following roof leak

By Staff

Updated Feb. 7 2019 from a story published online on Feb. 6.

All residents from Highland Wood long-term care facility in Haliburton are being relocated within or evacuated from the building after a thorough inspection of the building's leaky roof.

HHHS CEO Carolyn Plummer issued a press release on Wednesday Feb. 6 stating that several residents were being relocated to other parts of the building and to neighbouring long-term care facilities while staff finds temporary fixes. On Thursday Feb. 7 an updated press release said the situation had changed.

“Later that day [following the original press release] outside experts assisted our maintenance staff with a detailed inspection of the roof and the decision has now been made to relocate all Highland Wood residents until further notice” said Plummer in the Feb. 7 statement.

According to both press releases HHHS is working with the Central East Local Health Integration Network and the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care to relocate the residents “as quickly as possible while continuing to provide safe quality care.”

Family members of residents have been contacted.

“We are also working with the families of all of our residents to ensure that their loved ones are relocated into facilities that will provide the same comfortable home environment that they experienced at Highland Wood” said Plummer through the Feb. 7 release.

Plummer's Feb. 6 statement said the roof is scheduled to be replaced this spring and the current leak came from melting ice and snow that had built up.

She thanked local staff for "the non-stop work they have been doing and continue to do to keep our residents safe." Staff from other departments as well as volunteers HHHS Foundation staff and community members have also offered their support.