HHSS EQAO scores up

By Angelica Ingram

Last week the Education Quality and Assessment Office (EQAO) released the annual results from standardized testing done across the province for Grade 9 students in math.

The results compare Haliburton County schools to those within the Trillium Lakelands District School Board and across the province.

At Haliburton Highlands Secondary School Grade 9 students in both the applied and academic streams were assessed on their math skills in 2015.

In the applied math course 61 per cent of HHSS students were at or above the provincial standard compared to 59 per cent of students across the board.

The academic stream at HHSS showed very promising results with 95 per cent at or above the provincial standard whereas TLDSB had 85 per cent.

The EQAO results showed that compared to previous years both the applied and academic results were up with the highest showings in the past five school years at HHSS.