HHHS announces $250K deficit plans to return to balanced position by March 31

By Jenn Watt

Published Sept. 27 2018

Haliburton Highlands Health Services has a year-to-date deficit of $250000 as of the end of July 2018 finance committee chairman David Gray said during a board meeting on Thursday Sept. 27.

"This negative position is largely the result of the ongoing operating deficits in our long-term care homes coupled with the recent change in government that has resulted in a freeze on some of our revenues as well as the associated increased costs of implementing Bill 148 Fair Workplaces Better Jobs Act" according to a press release from HHHS.

An action plan was created by the management team which the press release states will lead them to reach a balanced position by the end of the fiscal year: March 31 2019.

“The comprehensive plan is designed to take advantage of the recently announced new investments in LTC [long-term care] leverage and grow revenue and grant funding and implement rigorous plans to mitigate rising labour costs and control rising repair and supply costs all without impacting services to our community” the statement reads.

Gray told the board that on Wednesday Labour Minister Laurie Scott who is also the local MPP said the government was reviewing the Fair Workplaces legislation and meeting with stakeholders.

He also noted that Scott announced the WSIB premium rate for employers would be dropping substantially in 2019 which would be helpful for HHHS.

See Tuesday’s Haliburton Echo for more.