Haliburton County fire ban still on despite rain

By Darren Lum

Published July 17 2018

The Highlands needs more than yesterday's downpourto end the fire ban said Dysart fire chief Mike Iles.

Iles said he would prefer up to three days ofsteady rain close to six hours each day beforeconsidering to lift the ban.

Yesterday's heavy downpour doesn't haveas lasting effect of continuous showers.

Iles said the fire department has respondedto several campfires which were resolved.

These occurred during the first few days of the ban which was implementedon Monday July 9.

The entire County of Haliburton hasbeen under a fire ban since last week including parts of Ontario.

Iles asks the public to continue toabide by the burning ban. This includes open fires charcoalbarbecues and fireworks.

Although he appreciates the public'svigilance related to alerting the department about the fires he asks that if some one sees smoke ensure it is a fire and then ask the person to extinguish itbefore calling the fire department.

In many cases he said theperson just needs to be educated about the ban.