By Darren Lum
Nine-year-old Kip Kelly of Haliburtonhad just come home from ice fishing with his father on Thursdaywhen he learned from his mother that his original design was chosenas one of the top-ten finalists for the 2021 Jackrabbit Toque DesignContest as run by Nordiq Canada.
The young Nordic skier couldn't saywhat inspired his design of a chicken on Nordic skis double-polingpencil-crayon image but appreciated the good news and said “Itwas awesome.”
Although he didn't say much more hisfeelings were evident by his smile and the light in his eyes.
Last year he entered the contest butdidn't make the top-10.
The contest was open to childrenbetween the ages five to nine who are enrolled in the Nordiq CanadaJackrabbit or Bunnyrabbit programs.
Voting is open until noon (MST) onMarch 18. Use the Survey Monkey
See a longer version of this story in the Echo this Tuesday.