Get tested

By Jenn Watt

Published Nov. 14 2017

Radon is a gas naturallyoccurring during the breakdown of uranium in the earth.

Typically as this processhappens radon is dispersed into the air posing no health risk.

However if that gas isleaking into a closed space such as a home it can be hazardous tohealth.

“Long-term exposure tohigh levels of radon in our homes can increase the risk of lungcancer” according to the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge Districthealth Unit.

After smoking radon gasexposure is the top cause of lung cancer in Ontario.

November is Radon ActionMonth in Canada a time to focus attention on an issue that getsrelatively little coverage and is seldom acted upon by Canadians.

“More people die fromradon gas in this country than from car accidents. And yet 96 percent of us still don’t test for it” The Lung Association warns.

November being the timethat most of us start to close up our windows for the nice longwinter ahead this is a good time to test for radon.

The gas typically entershomes through cracks in the foundation unfinished floors sumppumps pipes and other openings.

The good news is there arereliable tests for the gas and professionals who specialize intesting and mitigation systems to remedy the problem.

To find out more checkout the HKPR Health Unit’s website give them a call 1-866-888-4577.You can also visit The Lung Association’s website which includesplenty of details on types of do-it-yourself radon testing kits alist of radon mitigation professionals and

Get on the list

As we reported in lastweek’s Echo affordable housing in the county is in high demand.

More than 400 householdsin the county are on the waitlist for affordable housing with only237 units available.

That means it will takebetween three and five years for those on the list to be offered aspot.

A lot can happen in fiveyears. Health can fail caregivers may no longer be around money canget tight.

That means for those whoare thinking about affordable seniors housing (or simply affordablehousing) it wouldn’t hurt to get your name in early.

At Parklane and Echo Hillsapartments in Haliburton you can decline a spot three times beforeyour name will be dropped to the bottom of the list.

The affordable housing inHaliburton regularly gets rave reviews from residents. Locatedconveniently close to amenities clean and safe they’repredictably in high demand.

Don’t wait until it’stoo late. If you think one of the units would be right for you in thenext four or five years get on the list. More information:haliburtonhousing.comor call 705-457-3973.