Fuel for Warmth preparing for another winter

After a hot summer and more warm weather to come it may seem a little early to be thinking about winter. But that’s exactly what Fuel for Warmth is doing.

Since the winter of 2008/2009 when Joanne Barnes originated this service the first of its kind in the Highlands Fuel for Warmth has led the way in helping those in need of fuel during our bitter winter months.

The service offers help throughout Haliburton County thanks to the volunteers and non-paid staff who manage this program. Ninety-five per cent of all monies raised goes directly to those in need providing access to fuel oil propane wood and wood pellets. Administration costs are always kept to a minimum. In an age when donors are concerned about their donations getting to those in need Fuel for Warmth can point with pride to their record of service and fiscal management. Fuel for Warmth does not receive any government funding.

Fuel for Warmth is a registered charity and as such abides by the reporting requirements of the CRA. Their treasurer Lorne McNeil is a chartered professional accountant and he performs the annual audits of all expenditures ensuring full CRA compliance. Community advisors include Scotty Morrison Mike Jaycock and Sharon Foster.

The organization uses the rigorous application and qualification process used by the Minden Food Bank. All payments for fuel are made directly to fuel suppliers on behalf of the clients. This ensures that only those in need are approved for help.

This year Fuel for Warmth is planning to purchase a dump trailer. This will make the delivery of wood more efficient for clients requesting that fuel source. Thanks to a generous donation they are finally able to make this purchase.

For almost 10 years Fuel for Warmth has been at the forefront in providing clients short-term emergency relief from heating fuel shortages. Joanne Barnes says “no one should have to choose between fuel and food.”

Nov. 24 the Highlands Christmas Shindig a family-oriented Christmas variety show at the Northern Lights Performing Arts Pavilion will once again raise money for this important cause. Thanks to the generous support of sponsors and attendees Fuel for Warmth is meeting the ongoing need of financially strapped families children and seniors here in the Haliburton Highlands.

Jennie a single mom with two school-age children says “without the help of Fuel for Warmth my children and I would have been in real trouble last winter. Their help was a godsend.”

For more information contact Joanne Barnes at 705-286-6838 or after hours for an emergency 705-854-9208.
