Members of the Dysart 150th planning committee are all smiles on Nov. 24 as they announce they were the successful recipients of a $10000 grant from the government of Canada. The funds will go towards planning a big summer event in July 2017 to mark the country’s and township's sesquicentennial. The committee is kicking off the year-long celebration with a winter event on Jan. 7 that will include skating a fire and light show and trivia. From left Amanda Virtanen Andrea Mueller Andrea Roberts Kate Butler Kim Emmerson and Susan Norcross. Missing from photo are Kait Perecko and Gail Stelter. ANGELICA INGRAM Staff

Dysart 150th celebrations get boost from federal government

By Angelica Ingram

Published Nov. 29 2016

The planning committee behind Dysart’s sesquicentennial celebrations are rejoicing after finding out they were the successful recipients of a $10000 grant from the government of Canada.

The committee made the funding announcement on Nov. 24 a few weeks after hearing they received the full amount they requested.

The funds will be used for the summer celebrations for July 2017 which will celebrate both Canada’s and Dysart’s 150th.

“We’re quite excited because that enables us to do what we have planned” said Andrea Mueller Dysart recreation co-ordinator and committee member.

The federal funds will be used in conjunction with money from the municipality of Dysart.

“The Canada 150 is really about celebrating Canada’s 150th [birthday]” said Andrea Roberts deputy-reeve and committee member. “We’re doing both in our explanation of why we were asking for the grant … we did a real sale about how … [Dysart] is celebrating in the same year as Canada.”

The summer celebrations will be held on July 7 8 and 9 said Roberts. One of the main events will be a concert.

The committee has also made an application for funding from the provincial government. The hope is to not have to heavily rely on the municipality and local businesses for funding.

Organizers are adamant the activities and events being offered are free and accessible for all.

“We want to keep it free and open to families” said Roberts. “We are absolutely thrilled.”

The committee is getting things started next year with a special winter event planned for Saturday Jan. 7.

The afternoon/evening event will include public skating a fire and light show trivia outdoor games and much more. It will be held both inside and outside the A.J. LaRue arena.

There will also be a special screening of a film highlighting Dysart’s history.

Everything except food and refreshments will be free at the event. It will take place from 4 to 8 p.m.
A special ale brewed by Haliburton Highlands Brewing will also make its debut at the event.

The Dysart 150 committee includes Roberts Mueller Kate Butler Kait Perecko Amanda Virtanen Kim Emmerson Susan Norcross and Gail Stelter.