To the Editor,
LEST WE FORGET: Those three words echo across many countries to show our remembrance of those who have fought, suffered and died for our freedom. It means that we will never forget.
“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must under go the fatigue of supporting it.” Thomas Paine.
Remembrance Day Services:
Being politically correct is not acceptable to me, not to our Canadian Veterans and all the war hero’s who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf.
Paying tribute should never be an option, rather, it is a duty, a deep-rooted commitment. The service men and women who fought and died for Canada during wars and conflicts for the cause of freedom, that we all enjoy to-day, are remembered in messages of “gratitude, thanks and appreciation.”
We Will Remember Them.
Something we often take for granted, and should not. Freedom is not free. It came with a very high price.
John Fefchak (CWO ret.)
Frequent visitor to Haliburton